The Magic Realist

Look For Good Things

Positive Outlook

What is the purpose of my life experience?
Knowing I’m a creator, I want to express
In this physical setting. I’m here to discern,
Define, and decide. There is so much here to learn.
My ability to focus gives me access
To a whole new arena of magnificence.

So, attracting is easy. When I have a thought
That brings forth strong emotion, the awesome power
Of the universe is prepared to yield to me
Evidence of the things I want to come to be.
In this moment, my life can begin to flower.
I am confident I’ll get whatever is sought.

I’ll look everywhere for things that I want because
I can then merge the data into a picture
Explicit in its detail of how life should be.
Only then am I certain of what pleases me.
The feeling of ecstasy I want to procure.
I’ve become a student of spiritual laws.

I’ll set forth the intention to notice only
Things that I find uplifting. I’ll study those who
Are successful and imitate their energy.
It can be exactly how I want it to be.
It becomes for me a transcendental breakthrough.
Only the best things are meant to happen for me.

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