The Magic Realist

Access The Power


Begin to envision your life as it should be –
Not as others would have it. The power is yours
To create with abandon whatever you choose.
You’ve been asking and you’ve paid more than enough dues
In so doing and doing so opens no doors
To enlightenment nor to opportunity.

Before you can experience something you must
Give some thought to it. It’s then an invitation
For it to evolve and pick up some momentum.
Focus more on the good feeling thoughts as they come.
By now you’ve become an expert at creation.
You’ve only your point of attraction to adjust.

Get yourself into the place of expectation
That good things happen for you. Become more aware
Of when they happen and learn to appreciate
When you find yourself in a more positive state.
Focus on whatever can help keep yourself there.
Wonders can be achieved through your dedication.

Look for things that you like. Then you’re effectively
And deliberately creating. Your intent
Is to sift through the data and then to conclude
What would be better. Let nothing mess with your mood.
Finding things that make you happy is time well spent.
Your are meant to be living your life happily.

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