The Magic Realist

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.

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