The Magic Realist

Feeling Good Lets It In

The Key To Ultimate Acceptance

It seems that life programs us for not feeling good
And for not having fun. It’s because the contrast
That manifests in this time space reality
Is for our spiritual growth ultimately.
Hard work is honored. We’re taught to remain steadfast
In our struggle, as every good citizen should.

This mindset becomes outdated in the long run.
Leveraging of energy is easier
Than action that is taken. It doesn’t take much
Energy if you are wholeheartedly in touch
With you true self. Only pleasantness can occur
In the process of chilling while getting things done.

Time shortage consciousness stems from too much effort
Or focus on something that can be easily
Taken care of through your thought or meditation.
Energy outdoes action a billion to none.
You are now realizing how life ought to be.
Universal forces give you loving support.

It takes not long for you to be in such a state
Of contentment where nothing at all bothers you.
From there you have control over this universe.
This is quite the real deal. We’re not here to rehearse.
Is feeling good something that is long overdue?
It’s time to let the goodness in. Why do you wait?

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