The Magic Realist

Don’t Do What You Don’t Want

Satisfaction is what your inner being feels
All the time about who you are and about where
You are going. Satisfaction comes from one place.
Moving in the direction of what you embrace,
Just as your inner being does, will get you there.
Be open to the wisdom your true heart reveals.

You live in a world that has tried to motivate
You into doing things that you don’t want to do.
When you think about going to work do you feel
Satisfaction such that you’re overcome with zeal?
It would be a nice thing only if it were true.
When you think of vacation, you can hardly wait.

People try to control you by their demanding,
Whining, and complaining. Never do anything
You don’t want to do. It sets a bad example
For the rest of us. Do not let others trample
Any bit of your freedom. Your inner being
Is your source, your guidance, and your understanding.

You can’t motivate yourself, and you can’t demand
Of yourself to do anything. You will receive
Inspiration that will call you forward when you
Are resistance free. You can do what you want to
And not worry that there’s something you won’t achieve.
Let your inner being be the one in command.

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