The Magic Realist

Be Done With Fear

Scary Eyes

Am I all that irrational if I believe
That I’m no longer viable? Would this world find
Some relief in my passing? So wrong I have been
About most things in life and every now and then
For a brief moment I have the clearness of mind
To see that there’s no honor that I can achieve.

My fear is of continuing. I do want to
Face the music composed by the sick part of me
And I don’t want to leave before I get that done
Yet I feel I’ve become toxic to everyone
So perhaps I can do it spiritually.
I know that my true self has a different view.

It’s a strong thought – a heavy position to take
For someone who knows better. The source within me
Knows exactly the opposite of what I do
When I’m stuck in this moment. My source knows what’s true.
I was meant to expand and be joyful and free.
I’ve spent time sleeping rather than being awake.

Negative emotion means that what I’m thinking
Isn’t right according to the truth in my soul.
My fear is a good thing because it lets me know
That I’m not thinking rightly. It’s just there to show
Me the path that results in my becoming whole
As a being with all its parts interlinking.

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