The Magic Realist

Your Only Work

Be Happy!

What you want can be found wherever you may be.
As you look where you are for it you will begin
To find it in other places. Your potential
For finding it is increased. It’s most essential
While at work not to let your vibration wear thin.
Any downtime use to line up your energy.

What you do for a living is dull and mundane
To your physical senses that are part of you.
Unhappy with the bondage you must find a way
To work on your vibration all throughout the day.
You can find happiness in the work that you do
Through your innermost being. There is much to gain.

The vibrational journey is emotional.
Take that one first before acting on anything.
The path will keep unfolding while you attend to
Your acquired income maker. You can remain true
To your positive dream. Your alignment will bring
You results that you will see as sensational.

Visualizations and dreaming that you do
Are your primary focus. Your leverage lies
In the positive aspects found while on the way
To the dream of a lifetime. You just have to stay
At the top of your main game. You will realize
That the universe totally agrees with you.

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