The Magic Realist

Using Visualizations

Conjuring Your Dream

Visualizations are an excellent tool
For manifesting the things that you most prefer.
You create a symbol that will best represent
The outcome most ideal. Every detail is meant
To arouse your emotions, and as they occur
You will become elated. This is very cool.

If you have a good picture of it in your mind –
The thing or the condition you want to happen –
It is easy then to get super excited.
Your dream ship will be traveling full speed ahead.
You can get to that good place again and again.
This is how you become with your desire aligned.

Now, once you have reached that state, what you need to do
Is to utterly, completely drop the picture
And just be open to what your higher mind knows
Is the perfect match. Positive energy flows
Where it’s needed. The symbol was just to procure
The passion necessary to stimulate you.

The mind that is physical can only conjure
An extremely limited image of what’s best
For itself and for you. You do not know a thing.
Know that your higher mind can ultimately bring
Something much more fulfilling than what you expressed
As your ultimate vision. It isn’t secure.

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