The Magic Realist

The Outcome

Freedom's ResultCircumstances are that someone has done you wrong.
The offense was egregious, and for many years
You have keep this inside you. It has caused you harm.
Ultimately it is better that you disarm
But it is difficult to just up and shift gears.
Your contempt for the oppressor is surely strong.

“Let it go,” people tell you, and it drives you nuts.
You’re tempted to tell them to go take a long hike.
But that’s not a solution. You have to admit
That your negative feelings render you unfit
For wholesome interaction with people you like.
Your style and demeanor are controlled by your guts.

Justice for the oppressor may not come to pass
In this lifetime so that karma must be postponed.
At this point, it is time to tear up the contract
That was made in eternity. But for the fact
That a sick crusty bastard is better disowned
There’s no point in trying to engage the crevasse.

The airport of contentment has no baggage claim.
Relief is absolute if you can let it go.
All that can be done can be done all mentally.
To release and forgive is the way to be free
Of the issue completely so that you can grow
In spirit. In the long run your peace is the aim.

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