The Magic Realist

Soul To Soul

Face To Face

What’s the soul? It’s that part of you that existed
Before you were born and that will exist after
You have died. It’s the highest most noble part of
Yourself that you can reach for. It is of pure love.
The almighty is known as the master crafter
Of all souls and it is all done unassisted.

Unlike things in this earth school the soul has no weight
Or volume. These are characteristics of this
Dimension of time, space, matter, duality,
And amnesia. The nature of reality
Is something that the physical body will miss
Unless it can be in a meditative state.

All souls have the capacity to be great souls
And our job while we’re here on earth is to align
Our personalities with our souls. We do that
By intention. It’s worth taking a good look at
That part of ourselves which is in essence divine.
We can all make it one of our primary goals.

Many levels upon levels upon levels
Of compassion and wisdom beyond our knowing
Has the universe which is sacred and holy.
Reverence for life, loving, sharing, harmony,
And cooperation are all overflowing
In the one who in every circumstance revels.

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