The Magic Realist

Set Your Day For Magic

Morning Devotion

There’s what needs to be fixed, and then there’s your desire.
Put your attention on that which is easier
And more fun to accomplish. Orientation
Toward making things happen gets not much work done.
There is tremendous leverage and great power
In your thoughts. Not a bit of work does it require.

Your action orientation in life causes
You to think that it takes hard work to get things done.
But as you learn to deliberately direct
Your thoughts, things working out quite well you can expect.
Focus more consistently in the direction
Of your wishes. Forget all about what was is.

Trying or working too hard is not the best way
To accomplish things. Prepare your day for magic.
Before bedtime the night before while still in bed
Let the things you appreciate drift through your head.
Fall asleep in a good state. This will do the trick
Of creating for yourself a wonderful day.

Prime your positive pump by saying sorts of things
That accentuate how you felt. Stick to your goal
Of remembering all the good things that occurred
Through the day. There’s no way one can call this absurd.
Once you get really good at this, you’ll have control
Of your day’s most eventful and fun happenings.

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