The Magic Realist


The Wealth Of The Waking Dream State

Many know of the dream state where one can control
Narrative, the environment, and character
Of experience totally. While in this state
One becomes most attuned to new things to create.
What would happen would be just as one would prefer.
It’s believed that this method achieves any goal.

Famous people had used it before science new
It was something to study in every detail.
Since then, many are taking advantage of it.
Benefits are amazing. One can be more fit
To live life with exuberance while on its trail.
Yet, there’s some preparation the novice must do.

While awake throughout each day, reality checks
Should be done very often. A good one to use
Is the ‘finger through hand’ test. When one is dreaming
The finger will go through the hand – such a strange thing!
Now, I know that to many, this isn’t big news.
But my job is to share interesting subjects.

How to get to the lucid dream state is easy
And involves waking then going right back to sleep
While the mind remains active and widely awake.
While the body’s paralysis is no mistake,
It returns one to REM sleep. It’s best that one keep
Pen and paper available expectantly.

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