The Magic Realist

Evidence Of Wellbeing

Inner Peace

Having fun at the airport with some of your friends
You find really nice people with whom to engage.
Mutual entertainment erupts everywhere.
People have all kinds of pleasant stories to share.
Your delight in the moment is setting the stage.
Happiness pays high spiritual dividends.

Other flights have been cancelled but yours is on time.
When you get to your gate many people are there
Standing, waiting, and wondering why this one flight
Is on time. Many of them are getting uptight.
That things are working out for you you’re well aware.
You are living a life that is truly sublime.

The gate agent is having a horrible day.
Cancellations and dealing with people upset
Has depleted her energy but a kind word
From your heart is a wonderful thing to be heard.
It’s a small act that she probably won’t forget.
In your state of alignment it’s not hard to stay.

Evidence Of Wellbeing is all around you.
Feedback is coming to you continuously
Indicating where you’re at and you can control
Every bit when happiness is your only goal.
You can notice the evidence as easily
As you choose in each moment in all that you do.

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