The Magic Realist

All Of Your Work

Tunining Into Being

A series of connections throughout life is made.
How you feel in each moment is what you reach for.
Tuning in hits and misses, but always you are
In control of the process. If you are too far
Off the dial of vibration, you cannot ignore
The ill feeling it causes. Yourself is betrayed.

  Your creating with others requires nothing more
Than your being connected to all that you are.
Don’t look for one encounter to be the end all.
They are each linked together in what we could call
Universal acquaintance. It may sound bizarre
But the fact is that you have nothing to want for.

You’re receiving a signal. The path at your feet
Is always there beneath you. All you have to do
Is to keep the receptive mode first and foremost.
Once you notice improvement, be willing to boast
To yourself and the universe. This moment new
Is the one most important in that it’s complete.

One hundred percent of your work is to enhance
Receptivity to the treasure you’ve accrued.
That means feeling as good as you possibly can.
Luckily, it takes not much to follow that plan.
Life can be just as simple as tweaking your mood.
You have nothing to lose in taking such a chance.

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