The Magic Realist

A Powerful Message

You Are Everything

Powerful is your essence. The eternal flame
That is you shall never be extinguished by you
Or by anyone else. You are the universe.
You may feel sometimes that existence is a curse,
But the fact that you are here can offer a clue
To the confounding puzzle that has not a name.

You are infinite spirit, body, mind, and heart,
And a heartfelt expression of the infinite.
You are thought and the dream become reality.
The fabric of existence wanted you To Be.
The divine spark that you are remains ever bright

You’re the whole of creation as well as one part.

The nature of eternity you understand.
A conscious decision was made by the divine
That confirms your creation out of perfection.
You maintain by your focus a strong connection
To the God force within you. You are by design
An expression of worthiness, and you were planned.

This moment is eternal and all that can be.
From within it you are born into here and now.
Now has always existed and ever shall be.
Is it not time that you acted accordingly?
It is up to you only to choose to allow
All that you are made up of to be completely.

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