The Magic Realist

Influenced By The Future You

From The Self Yet Becoming

A version of your future self does now exist.
In your mind’s eye, imagine how that one would be
Doing things differently and take careful note.
This idea may seem to some rather remote
But if you are open to being completely
In alignment this exercise can’t be dismissed.

Watch this self of the future and imagine how
It would feel about everything you’re doing now.
Imagine if that self is doing the same things
In the same way it’s done them. This pondering brings
On a flood of insight if you will but allow
The connection to happen. Do make it your vow.

More aligned with your passion your future self is.
Try to mimic in every way how it behaves.
It would be more the way you would want it to be.
Watch the differences and you will clearly see
All that it is that you’re doing that only enslaves
And propels you into over analysis.

Mirroring the behaviors of the future you
Pulls you in the direction of how things could be.
Rather than your remembering ways of the past
Which will anchor you to your prevailing contrast,
Information and images come easily
To help you on your journey in all that you do.

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