The Magic Realist

The Guru

Master of Enlightenment

If I go to my guru and say, “Oh wise one,
I have so many problems and cannot keep track
Of this life that I’m living. Always I’m depressed.
Misery I feel often because I am stressed.”
Not a thing but a funny look I would get back.

This perhaps may upset me because it’s no fun.

What’s distressing about it is that someone who
Can see right the hell through me can see all the harm
That I caused for so many. Embarrassed I’d be
Having someone looking that deeply into me.
Somehow his look tells me there’s no need for alarm.
I can look at him oddly and mess with him too.

Yet it turns out he’s not looking into my soul.
His expression is one from a broad perspective.
He sees me as the Brahma, the sacred Godhead
And he wonders why I’m being myself instead
Of a spark of divinity irrespective
Of the whaling persona and its major role.

His intent is to kid me back in to knowing
Who I am without all of the baggage I own.
He says, “You must be joking. I know who you are.
I congratulate you on becoming a star.
Though you ego’s performance may be overblown,
The divine within you is more overflowing.”

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