The Magic Realist

The Art Of Persuasion

The Convincing Argument

With authority figures I get along well.
One must keep them believing that they’re in control
And a cool way to do that is by playing dumb.
It may be kind of tacky and useless for some
But for me it’s a neat way of reaching my goal.
It’s the will of the wise one I’m willing to quell.

This works well with most anyone. Since I’m a child
I can take full advantage of subtle combat
Of a cognitive nature. It’s all in the mind.
I define most behaviors as more than inclined
To relenting to innocence. Anger falls flat
In the otherwise mellow one. I tame the wild.

I don’t listen to words much but feel what they mean.
Through the heart of the meaner they’ve much to convey.
The most accurate truth I intuit with skill
Worthy of the Great Goddess. Her will I fulfill
By firmly understanding that I’ll get my way.
He will be fully trained by the time I’m a teen.

But The Art Of Persuasion I implement now.
Basic to my survival ‘til that time draws near
Is the pleasure bestowed upon me to be sweet.
I can handle most adults I happen to meet.
Can someone give a scolding to someone so dear?
There is only one answer that one would allow.

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