The Magic Realist

Taking The First Step

Greater Awarness of Balance Issues

Feeling wildly affectionate, I find my way
On the path to more pleasure directly ahead.
With my fun loving nature, my take on most things
Is about how much happiness and good it brings.
People like what I’m doing. They’re interested
In each step of my journey. I’m not led astray.

Starting fresh from a clean slate, no harm do I see
In this wide world around me. I need not beware
Of the negative forces that I sense exist.
 I get ample immunity when I am kissed.
I’m responsive to others in how much they care
Greatly for my wellbeing. My life is carefree.

 My work is staying balanced and following through
In the forward direction. Sometimes I may fall
Then get up and start over. No one takes offense.
Since there is no destruction, there is no expense
For the knowing that I cannot forever crawl.
Looking down, I have learned, is the wrong thing to do.

I meet my obligations with ease. I have none
But to continue being all that I can be.
The first step I have taken. The love that I find
Is immensely supportive, refreshing, and kind.
It allows me to walk with the firm guarantee
That a life fascinating has truly begun.

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