The Magic Realist

Not Everyone Gets It

Sensations Are Relative

Some people just don’t get it, and that is okay.
I know I don’t. It’s something not well understood
By the general population throughout their
Daily routines. Can I learn to be more aware
Of what goes on around me? And can I get good
At deciphering feelings the old fashioned way?

There is one major frequency or vibration
That all humans are linked to perpetually.
A lot of people are trained to pretend that they
Are not one with the wavelength. Therefore they betray
Their true sense of alignment with who they could be.
Fundamental is this vibe to all creation.

We perceive melodies by discerning the notes
And the spaces between them, but it’s all just noise
To someone who is tone deaf, and the color blind
Cannot understand beauty as it is defined
By the artist. The one with full senses enjoys
More of what life presents us or shoves down our throats.

In the same way, our sense of alignment may be
Not as sharp as it could be. Both cause and effect
Are the same event. The head does not ‘cause’ the tail.
Once this wisdom is digested you cannot fail.
The words and the music cannot be incorrect
For the one who is centered emotionally.

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