The Magic Realist


Universal Personal Magic

You must meet the vibration. You can’t be above
Or below it. In order to draw things to you
You can’t want them so much that you fear they won’t come.
Every act of good fortune comes directly from
Having met the vibration. The thing you must do
Is believe yourself worthy of infinite love.

Your thoughts create your life, so whatever you do
Make sure your thoughts are positive affirmations.
Otherwise you will be stuck in the same old grind.
Carefully worded phrases by you are designed
To uplift and propel you. Among the best ones
Are those specifically created by you.

Fall in love with the universe because it’s true
That it loves you most passionately from the start.
It wants you to succeed in all that you try out.
All that stands in the way is your confounding doubt
That things can work out for you. You’ve drifted apart
From the self that is an integral part of you.

You are good on your own. Do love yourself dearly
And the world that shows up for you will blow your mind.
You decide how you want things and they shall occur.
By now, you are not considered an amateur.
You can manifest anything when you’re aligned
With forces that create worlds and quite easily.

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