The Magic Realist


Trial And Error

An intention is an idea that you plan
Or want to carry out. It is one of the most
Powerful forces there is. If you mean to do
Something, whether or not you accomplish it, you
Have mustered an intention. You had been engrossed
In its outcome even before the plan began.

To survive and to feel better are the basic
Intentions of the ordinary ego mind.
Spiritual intentions have the power to
Energize and give you a more positive view
Of reality. You can become more refined
In you focus. It isn’t that much of a trick.

They are set internally or externally
And are closely related to one’s objective,
Purpose, aim, goal, design, or dream. As one creates
With intention, the universe coordinates
Everything to one’s favor. One therefore can live
A life free of the ego’s negativity.

Intentions set up priorities and values
And direct commitment and determination.
Some powerful intentions are: “I intend to
Accept responsibility for what I do.
I intend to make peace with my situation.
I intend to be mindful in all that I choose.”

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