The Magic Realist

How To Unblock

Make It Come

There’s this thing that I really want that has not come,
And I want to know why it is taking so long
To receive what I’ve asked for so vehemently.
Yet, forgetting about it, I’m told, is the key,
Which makes ass backwards sense. If I’m doing things wrong
Just by wanting too much, I must be awfully dumb.

Of course, this way of thinking and acting defeats
What I want to accomplish. I must understand
What seems like such a puzzle. How Do I Unblock?
I defeat the solution by taking full stock
In the fact of the lack of the thing I demand.
Energy meant for living my dying depletes.

Getting out ahead of it is what I can do.
Doing what I’ve kept doing will get me no more
Than I always have gotten. Another approach
Can be found. I can trust in my spirit as coach.
The process I am making too much of a chore.
I can tell by how I feel. It is a strong clue.

The emotional scale is as real as any
That traverses a spectrum of polar extremes.
Most deliberately the ascension is made.
I should then be excited and not so afraid
That somehow I’ll not honor all my hopes and dreams.
What I want is as important as the journey.

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