The Magic Realist


Know And Anticipate

Do things come faster to you when you are blissed out
With no worries or cares about what’s happening
In the moment with your life? Things are going well.
Every once in a while, though, in darkness you dwell.
You know that you will get what you are expecting
And that there is no place for your infrequent doubt.

You want to pinch yourself to know that it is true.
You have manifested well. Life is a delight.
Questioning your worthiness slows everything down
Immensely. You don’t want to be fraught with a frown
In places in your mind that just do not feel right.
Don’t compare yourself with anyone except you.

You will never stop asking for more. It’s the way
That the universe operates. Stay pointed in
The direction of the flow of your heart’s desire.
Devouring your life experience is the fire
That you want to keep stoking. There’s nothing to win
Because you are the top prize each and every day.

With very little effort you can reach the place
Where you ask and things happen immediately.
There’s always more to celebrate. With each new day
Do expect things to work out pretty much your way.
You can’t be blissed out always although you can be
Moving in the direction of infinite grace.

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