The Magic Realist

Busy Without Stress

Work Equals Play

“Hurry Slowly.” This concept is truly ideal.
Taken from the Zen masters, it means letting go
Of the outcome desired in what I am doing.
Doing so burns the ego – a cumbersome thing
That distracts from the moment. My routine can flow
As if I’m lucid dreaming a life that is real.

 Sometimes during an illness that’s long and severe,
There can be an awakening post surrender
To the forces beyond one. Then peace ushers in.
It’s a feeling like being absolved of all sin.
Feeling better, so that depression won’t recur,
Vigilance is a must. It will mitigate fear.

I need not become sick, though, to let go of stress.
I need only be present in the enjoyment
Of the thing that I’m doing now and not much more
Than the eternal moment existing calls for.
On the outside I’m busy. Inside, I’m content
In the slowness of working in full beingness.

It becomes an addiction but one that’s healthy.
Things that used to perturb me, like waiting in lines,
Are now fine chances for me to practice presence.
Otherwise I’d be elsewhere at my own expense.

No one likes a damned worker who constantly whines.
The nonsequitur self is the best worker bee.

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