The Magic Realist

Become A Powerful Human Being

Union of Human and Cosmic Power

Human hands hold potential. They are the control.
Like the mouse to computer, they do many things.
When the energy system is tuned properly
We can know this in ways we don’t usually.
As we use our hands rightfully, good things this brings.
The slightest movement of them will touch every soul.

One whole fifth of our energy goes to the brain.
There, it can dissipate through our incessant thought
And reactions to living and anxieties.
If we spoke less and meditated, this would ease
The poor brain of its workout. When no longer fraught,
It will stop wasting energy much to our gain.

So, do that which is necessary and with grace
To oneself and to others. Power, we can know,
Is about being empowered. Domination,
Often taken for true power, truly has none.
It takes only some practice and patience to grow.
Notwithstanding my station, power I embrace.

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