The Magic Realist

Be Fruitful…

...Then Vanish

Multiply And Be Fruitlike! Extreme sex appeal
Is your God given blessing. Don’t blush at the thought
Of your outright omnipotence being denied.
Plastic bags of waste litter with lateral pride
Where the space keeps expanding yet no growth is sought.
Go and make all the universe gross and surreal!

So, there’s word there are aliens here among us?
One would think we’d enslave them and treat them like trash
Which would be about normal for one sick species.
Arrogance is a hard on for death and disease
And the fountain that spews its metal balderdash.
Flaming dicks are the brute force with which humans fuss.

Are we one hell united? Like demons we are
In a mess of our making, seeming to agree
On but one thing that may lead to our extinction
Because nothing will happen unless something’s done
About human behavior and rather quickly.
Upon earth now we’re destined to leave a big scar.

Clear Your Throat! Make that hard hocking guttural sound
That to some is upsetting. Don’t swallow that shit.
Spit that thick stinking mucous onto the pavement
Where it can fuck with everyone. Don’t you relent
In dispensing your waste. The disgust you transmit
Is the worse that can be felt for lightyears around.

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