The Magic Realist

Your Bubble Of Wellbeing

Safe Space

When you get out ahead of things, then you’re not so
Unbalanced on the bleeding edge where every thought
Is a life saving matter. Each must be precise.
If it’s not then you are sure to pay a high price.
You would much rather be in control than be caught
In a space where there is much that you cannot know.

You are not being challenged by the universe.
It is not a contest of wits. It is response
To vibrational output. To live by default
Is a crapshoot. Your losing will be the result.
There can be no benefit from your nonchalance.
When you act accidentally, things will get worse.

You may think there’s a challenger. There can be none
But your doubt and split energy which can become
Detrimental to your staying in alignment.
By the day’s end, you may feel extreme discontent.
You know very well where your fulfillment comes from,
And it has everything to do with attraction.

“I’m in love with life. I love the interaction
That I have with others. I feel stable and sure.”

Isolating such feelings, you then will create
You Bubble Of Wellbeing. You don’t have to wait
To achieve satisfaction. You will be secure
In a space that attracts only things that are fun.

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