The Magic Realist

Your Attention To ‘What Is’


‘What Is’ is what is keeping you from what could be.
When you focus attention on the status quo
Nothing changes. Your manifestations never
Catch up with you. Moving forward takes forever.
The imbalance of energy makes for a slow
Pace of life. From ‘what is’ you must get yourself free.

When you hold a desire and you focus upon
It and you stop focusing upon its absence
Then the space will fill in with what you’re looking for.
As you shift your attention from ‘what is’ the more
Of what you want must happen. Forget present tense!
Having done this then all your resistance is gone.

As long as your awareness is on ‘what is’ now
And therefore ‘what is’ missing from now you create
A vibration that holds you right in the same place.
You prevent your reception of infinite grace.
Keep yourself always in a most positive state.
The receptive mode is one in which you allow.

‘What Is’ begs many questions that you can’t answer
Like: Why doesn’t it come faster? What can I do?
When will it become manifest?
Focus only

On those things in life that you want to come to be.
Do whatever you know that will satisfy you
Then your future will turn out just as you prefer.

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