The Magic Realist

Money Issues

Sitting In Money

What’s you philosophy about prosperity?
Why isn’t abundance raining down upon you?
What’s keeping you from having a lot of money?
You must have an opinion or else you would be
Nonexistent. What’s your personal point of view
About money? Does your inner being agree?

It may be because you haven’t found quite the way
To feel good when you think about money because
What you feel is its absence. There’s a tug of war
Between you and your inner being and the more
You indulge the bad feeling the more that the laws
Of the universe come into integral play.

So it’s a pretty big deal to find a way to
Think about money and feel good. It can be done
Gradually. The easy way is to feel it
As an energy pattern. This way you permit
The release of resistance. You’re the only one
Who can get that good energy working for you.

Everything is energy. It’s ever flowing
And when you’re elated, in love, or otherwise
Tuned in, tapped in, and turned on you’re most receptive
To the blessings that the universe wants to give
To us all. It’s important that you realize
What your inner being is forever knowing.

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