The Magic Realist

It’s Easy To Receive

Receiving A Gift

There is not enough action in the whole world to
Compensate for confusion and misalignment.
Meditate for at least fifteen minutes per day.
When you do something out of alignment it may
Not work out well. You can by your conscious intent
Get yourself in a state that is better for you.

Let the energy that creates worlds help you to
Be receptive to everything going your way.
Give up your need to justify your existence.
Replace it with the infinite intelligence
Of the universe. Living becomes like child’s play.
You don’t have to work hard to receive what is due.

Do not be concerned about how others view you.
They know not enough to draw any conclusion
That is truthful. Give up the need to solicit
The approval of others who may not commit
To their current opinion. It’s an illusion
That they may have of you and it may not be true.

Give up your attention to the outcome. Instead
Enjoy the unfolding. Don’t care how it turns out
Because it feels good right now. You know that it will
Feel better in the future so go for the thrill
Of receiving. This is what life is all about.
Take your eyes of what’s now and start looking ahead.

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