The Magic Realist

Are You Ready?

Prepared For Business

You are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows things to take place.
The distinction is subtle. You are more aware
Of the absence of something when it isn’t there.
So your going to get it puts you in a space
Of knowing you don’t have it. There’s no debating.

The contrast that life offers causes you to desire
Something better. This is a manifestation.
It’s also a vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it will soon come to be.
With this attitude you can get a lot more done
In preparing for things that you seem to acquire.

If it hasn’t manifested yet, all it means
Is that you’re not yet ready. Don’t be frustrated.
Concentrate on creating the best atmosphere
For allowing what you have wanted to appear
In the physical. The climate you’ve created
Can become one of your most productive routines.

Your emotions are created by you also
The ideas and impulses that come to you
Can be called manifestations if you insist.
Keep your focus on knowing that it does exist.
There is no reason that your dream cannot come true.
The momentum you create will get things to flow.

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