The Magic Realist

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go

Love It Or Leave It

Good advice comes in handy when I’m not at ease.
If for whatever reason I choose to believe
That I must make things happen, it happens to be
Just the one little thing that is preventing me
From a fruitful encounter. If I can’t achieve
Whatever, then it’s best that it’s cast to the breeze.

As long as I am having fun with it, then the
Momentum is most positive, and it will grow
Into something substantial, which is a good thing.
Something is wrong when I feel myself efforting
Through the process. My conscience is letting me know
That I can be as happy as I want to be.

Energy flows toward anything. When it does
Through me personally, it begins to expand
Into something more interesting. It gathers
Cooperative Components as it slathers
Me with ever more confidence. What I command
Is a power that venerates me just because.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go. This fine advice
Applies to people, places, ideas, and things.
My focus is of value. It is not to waste.
My attention to something cannot be misplaced
On potentially unfulfilling happenings.
I’ll avoid conditions that are meant to entice.

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