The Magic Realist

An Approach To Healing

Medicinal Panorama

We can talk about health and healing in a way
That’s focused more on wellbeing than on illness.
What prevents your patients from tapping into their
Vast potential is something considered with care.
Many health issues are caused by diet and stress.
Your belief in their wellness you want to convey.

When you truly believe in their potential, you
Can communicate well your positive intent.
A special kind of focus is needed when they
Want to talk about their illness. You need to stay
Resolute in believing in their improvement.
You must be excited about the work you do.

While you’re paying attention to only what they
Can become, you might ask them how long they want it
To go on. If they want to perpetuate the
Ill condition you must accept that they are free
To do so. But if they want your full benefit,
It’s then easy to get them to see it your way.

You’re doing a great service. Your inner being
Knows where you are in relationship to what you
Want to see manifested. It guides you around
Any resistance offered. Within you is found
The awesome gift of healing. This isn’t a new
Or particularly unique way of seeing.

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