The Magic Realist

Matching Your Vibrational Abundance

Aligning With Source

How can I be a vibrational match to all
That is in my vibrational escrow? Am I
Lining up with abundance, or shortage and lack?
For my doing things I don’t like, what I get back
Is a bad taste for living. I must satisfy
My intention by not focusing on the small.

I must see things as they really are. Abundance,
Financial wellbeing, and money are all just
Like the air that I breathe. They are not hard to get.
I can learn how to keep my soul frequency set
To that of my heart’s wanting. It does require trust
In the guidance within me in my circumstance.

I can tune my receiver to the frequency
Of what I have in escrow. By focused intent
I choose thoughts that feel better than those I have now.
In this way it is best that I trust and allow
Better feelings consume me that will complement
Everything that I’m wanting my nowness to be.

Excuses to feel happy are many indeed,
And I need but to find them. As I look around
At this planet, there’s something bigger going on.
Universal forces are conclusions foregone
That our sun and its system are perfectly sound.
Thinking in this way much of life’s tension is freed.

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