The Magic Realist

Who Is Asking?

Which Self Questions?

My mind hasn’t known peace since I can remember.
It needs pacification. Can someone provide?
If I brought it in front of you, would that suffice?
I’ve looked hard but can’t find it and cannot look twice.
Wow! Fatigue of the psyche is now pacified!
No longer is my asking a glowing ember.

…And who was I in my last reincarnation?
You ask, “Who asks the question?” which jerks with my head.
I don’t know who is asking. Just answer me, please.
If I am but the question, why then do you tease?
Privileges of wisdom are rightly widespread.
I as student am ripe for the lessons begun.

The blank space behind my eyes is not really there.
Consciousness is sensations, thoughts, and images.
All the world that is real is a piece of my mind.
Through its neurons of network, my world is defined
And will perish when I do through many stages
Relation is transaction and could be called prayer.

Mutual Arising is what always takes place
Of subjective and objective. Dichotomy
Is continuum polar, most illusory.
Both sides rising together implies harmony
Like petals of the flower and leaves of the tree.
In the asking, one has but one’s true self to face.

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