The Magic Realist

The Vibrational Snob

The Frequency Selective Perspective

Be a Snob with Vibration. Yours is quite unique.
It belongs to you only. You developed it.
Your beliefs and desires are incorporated
In its intricate makeup. It’s more than well said
That your personal vibe does its best to transmit
Who you are truthfully no matter how you speak.

Be at one with atonement. No fake vanity
Infiltrates the wellbeing you surely deserve.
Your birthright is the bliss of the life of your dreams.
As you feel your ways into them, feel that it seems
Angels who are observing think you have the nerve
To consider yourself closer to deity.

You deserve your wellbeing. Daily maintenance
(And, sometimes, by the moment) is yours to defend
Yet in absolute freedom to feel as you will.
Worthiness is no issue. You’re here to fulfill
The creation you’ve started. Let Spirit descend
To support all that you are. Do give it the chance.

You are part of the leading edge of creation.
Many of us have fallen asleep at the wheel
And can muster compassion only for drama.
It takes some getting used to the constant trauma.
You must pay much more attention to how you feel.
If that means being choosey, then no harm is done.

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