The Magic Realist

The Power Of The Universe

...At Your Command Always

The power that creates worlds at my fingertips
Is the dream of a lifetime or single moment.
Exercise is for bodies to keep them in shape.
If they get not enough then there is no escape
From ailments and ill feelings. We move to prevent
Laziness of the muscles and woe on the lips.

Another exercise for getting to that place
Of untold of contentment involves time each day
For collection of data that match well my dream.
I need not go to such an outrageous extreme
To create what I want that I give much away
That my spirit can’t live without at my slow pace.

Thoughts we think are powerful. The signals they make
Are magnetic. They do attract thoughts much the same
As their own. Then momentum takes over from there.
Universal forces need be fully aware
Through my passion about it. Thoughts can become lame
With no strength of emotion or wanting is fake.

I decide what is wanted in vivid detail
Then give thought only to that and none to others
Contradicting the chosen ones. My emotion
In effect is powerful communication
With the ultimate power that ever occurs.
Powered so by the universe, I shall prevail.

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