The Magic Realist


Divine Creation

Omnipotent means almighty or infinite
Power. Omnipotence is an immutable
Attribute of the single source of everything
In existence. It is an all-encompassing
Conscious field of vibration supremely able
To create anything that it damned well sees fit.

The infinite mind of the supreme that is the
Empty ground and the substrate of all that exists
Is the one ultimate potentiality
That does manifest into actuality.
Everything in the universe therefore consists
Of the essence of absolute divinity.

Consciousness is the radiance of divine light,
Omnipotent reality, the absolute
Irreducible source of all that’s come to be.
The supreme divine presence is eternally
Omnipotent. Any spiritual pursuit
Will include devotion to receiving insight.

Consciousness is beyond form. As the consequence
Of intention, the universe is manifest.
Everything’s an expression of divinity
Or it wouldn’t even have the capacity
To exist. One’s divinity can be accessed
Easily and without any major expense.

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