The Magic Realist


Integrated Beingness

Non-Duality means not two, undivided,
And without a second. One is all; all is one.
It primarily refers to an evolved state
Of consciousness. One no longer cares to relate
To the ego and its thoughts of separation.
By the oneness, the seeker of truth is guided.

It’s the state of awareness experienced by
Advanced spiritual beings who have dissolved
The ego’s dualistic ways of ignorance,
And replaced them with that which will greatly enhance
Accessing this awareness. We all are involved
In conscious evolution. Need one wonder why?

True non-dual awareness has been taught by those
Who’ve experienced this state. Descriptions are found
Within all religions and the spiritual
Traditions. This advanced state of consciousness shall
Remain something of great value. It may astound
One to know that one can know what the mystic knows.

The state itself is One. It’s beyond location,
Time, culture, belief system, form, language, concept,
And any such notion of exclusivity.
Oneness is the true nature of reality.
In alignment with God consciousness one is kept
As one experiences full transformation.

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