The Magic Realist

I Am That

Pointing Downstream

What’s the purpose of living? It’s to recreate
Ourselves anew in each moment and the greatest
Version of you becomes your most perfect ideal.
“Who Am I?” The question has the definite feel
Of a yearning. A call for knowing is expressed
From the pit of the soul. The answer you await.

Who among us has not looked up at the night sky
At some point in our lives and asked, “Wow! What is this?”
What’s my relationship to it all? Who am I?”

We can spend a great deal of time wondering why
Things are the way they are. We just cannot dismiss
Our inquiries no matter how hard we may try.

“I Am that I Am,” saith the Lord. But is there
Someone who can tell me exactly what that means?
It’s one heck of a statement. If I understood
What it meant certainly it would do me some good
But right now it reminds me of Twilight Zone scenes
That I watched as a child. They gave me quite a scare.

But the fear is in my heart. I can understand
That if I simply see everything as a part
Of myself and all things a part of the grand whole
Of all that exists, it brings relief to my soul.
I Am That I Am, really. From deep in my heart
I Am everything from the minute to the grand.

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