The Magic Realist

Human Experience Comes From Within

Consciousness Is An Inside Experience

Your experience comes only from within you…
Be it pleasant or unpleasant… joy or upset.
What is happening from within must go your way.
Practicing consciousness methodology may
Gear you to more enjoyment. Through struggle and sweat,
You achieve nothing worthwhile in all that you do.

This world will never happen in nearly the way
That you would have it happen. One hundred percent
Satisfaction is futile. The odds are less than
About half that you’ll live life the best that you can.
It is to your advantage that you be content
With the ways of the world. It is all just a play.

But what goes on inside you is so different
In that you can control it to a large degree.
It takes practice of focus to get really good.
Mysteries of the universe are understood
In the peace within presence. The quest is To Be.
Then what follows will lead to ultimate content.

 What is outside, you can’t let control your inside.
Foolishly, people do so to their detriment.
The seat of your experience is within you,
But if you are not sitting there, there’s work to do.
The choice is between living a life of torment
Or of your life’s fulfillment. Which will you decide?

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