The Magic Realist


Carefree Koala

Can it be looked at from a broader perspective
All the differences between animals and
Human beings? Did we create them? Or did they
Create themselves? Is it really helpful to play
With such questions? Is it that hard to understand
The big picture? Are we all one huge collective?

We’re the creators of our own reality.
We add to what is happening on planet earth.
Our attention right here and now is causing the
Evolution not only of humanity
But of all of existence. All life is of worth
To the universe and that’s the way it must be.

Consciousness has been always the evolution
Of all things. There’s a blending of the physical
With the nonphysical. Intricately combined
Are the energies, so it would be hard to find
A perceived of ‘creator.’ The spiritual
Offers to many humans the best solution.

Animals are more open to being who they
Truly are in each moment, whereas humans lie
In a heartbeat. Why is that? The answer may be
Unimportant. We are all the same energy
But with different packages. The reason why
Is because there are certain laws all must obey.

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