The Magic Realist

Affirmative Empathy

Intimacy and Trust

Strong, long lasting relationships with care are made
Over time through commitment. Support for the one
Who is of most importance is taken to heart.
Their souls know not of loneliness. When they’re apart
They are linked by their spirits, and no work is done
To make psychic connection. They are their crusade.

 Similar to opponents, the roles that we choose
To uphold disagreement with passion are played.
We spend time to perfect the processes of war.
It would seem that the thrill of the fight we adore.
We are interlinked also by being afraid
Of the innocent contact because we may lose.

Where we place our attention is where we evolve
And take root in the ways that we all interact.
This life energy drama is taken for real.
How we are with all others affects how we feel.
Graciousness from the heart depends not upon tact.
All remain independent with not much to solve.

Loved ones, friends, and archenemies, and those unknown
Are the world’s population. We all know us all
On some level unseen and unknown as we’re here.
Can it be an adventure? Must it involve fear?
Nothing short of a world war can lead to our fall.
Is that something our dear mother earth would condone?

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