The Magic Realist

A Provident Universe

Universal Coverage

God, disguised as the universe, wants you to know
What you knew when you got here – that you want to be
The deliberate creator of your own life.
What’s around you may get you to thinking that strife
Is the way of existence here naturally.
Yet there’s much here to prove that this just isn’t so.

Who you really are is much more different than
The perception of yourself you’ve come to believe.
You are much more than you know – smarter and wiser.
You are here to become a good realizer
By knowing how to be in the mode to receive.
Your experience here is all part of a plan.

You have vibrational credentials. Everything
That you have ever wanted is well tended to.
It’s available to you when you are aligned
To receive it. You must be in the state of mind
That allows it. The only thing you have to do
Is believe it then your life will be amazing.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come to you. You have a huge legacy
Of wellbeing. Put the universe to the test.
“If I am so good, show me how that I am blessed.”
You will see that things happen immediately.
It’s appropriate then to be ever grateful.

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