The Magic Realist

A Message From Einstein

Information Esoteric

It would be an enlightening experience
If I could channel Einstein. What all might he say
To this world grown beyond his? There is not the need
To go searching in that way. I need not proceed
With the wicked or woo woo. In this age and day
Many folks have encountered his psychic presence.

What comes through as his message is perfectly clear.
People are much like bicycles. Balance we keep
As long as we are moving, otherwise we fall.
In terms of vibration it’s a visceral call.
Move forward through experience not while asleep
But with focus applied to one thought that is dear.

He considered his thought world a place of refuge –
A safe pace from the clutter ever apparent.
Starting off with a premise, he would theorize,
And then test out theories. He’d often revise
Them a bit with new data. He wouldn’t relent
Until something of value would come about huge.

His greatest satisfaction in being exposed
To this world fascinating was thinking about
Answers to his own questions about existence.
Fortunately for us, he has made it make sense.
Through all cycles of being, we cast away doubt
And the more of life’s secrets are rightly disclosed.

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