The Magic Realist


Natural Response

Something crawls into consciousness out of nowhere.
Does it have any business there? I cannot know
Until it has become me. By then it’s too late.
If it’s toxic it will put me into a state
Of anxiety. If I let its presence grow,
It may lead to distress and to utter despair.

More strongly as I feel it, and time elapses,
After having been overcome with emotion,
I then realize that this has happened again.
I know by past experience what happens when
I stay there. Negative momentum is begun.
My belief in my own wellbeing collapses.

The duration had been short. In pain I’d act out
With the mind disagreeing with the emotion.
Rational thought is futile when I am this way.
Sometimes I would stay triggered for more than a day.
In this way, it is hard to accept the notion
That I could feel much better. I’m fettered in doubt.

Processing the emotions associated
With the trauma is needed. I can overcome
Much of it by exploring it all fearlessly.
Through guidance and acceptance I have come to be
In a much better way and a lot freer from
My past trauma. A new life has been created.

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