The Magic Realist

The Illusion Of Romance

Neon Heart

Romance is an illusion. That’s why the divorce
Rate increases. A great number of couples thought
That when they married life would be a lifelong date.
But when reality sets in life’s not so great.
In illusion their hearts, minds, and egos are caught.
Inner guidance becomes the most trusted resource.

People who have bought into this idea of
A romance that is perfect perhaps believe that
Romance is what love really is which isn’t so.
Romance isn’t love. It cannot help you to grow
As a person. You want to take a good look at
Your relationship. Is it one made in true love?

Love is far deeper, more powerful, and it does
Not wear off like a romance will after a while.
Romance is the projection of good qualities
In oneself on another which leads to disease
Of the psyche which may be hard to reconcile.
You continue to long for the good time that was.

You see the other person as intelligent,
Beautiful, sensual, charming, gregarious,
And caring. If you can see yourself as all these
Plus a whole lot more of these kinds of qualities
You’ll attract just the right person. You need not fuss
With the details. They all will become evident.

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