The Magic Realist

Your Relationship With Time

 The Personal Experience Of Eternity

It is so often heard, “Work smarter, not harder.”
It means work more holistically. Time you save
In the heat of excitement, but when you feel low
There is never enough time. It all seems to go
To the ethers, yet to it you feel like a slave.
Getting things done efficiently you would prefer.

My survival depends on positive thinking.
By a thread I am hanging, so time is for me
A big oncoming tornado in slow motion.
For my writing I have tremendous devotion.
It keeps me from disintegrating completely.
On a rather thin sheet of ice I am skating.

There’s a ‘kit’ of excitement inside everyone.
It is one that contains a plethora of tools.
One of them is ‘synchronicity.’ Excitement
Causes you to work gracefully, and the time spent
Doing what’s needed quickens all your molecules
So that less time is needed for getting things done.

The tool of synchronicity is of value
In your life that seems busy and out of control.
It’s an organizing principle you can use
To mend your relationship with time if you choose.
Getting what you need done makes you feel well and whole.
Time is something that is created within you.

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