The Magic Realist

You Don’t Find The Path

Along The Way

“How do I find the path? It’s not that obvious.
At some point in the future somewhere I will be.
So what is it that I want to do while I’m here?
Are the things along my path those I would hold dear?
If I haven’t found my path then what’s wrong with me?
Is it something that I and myself can discuss?

I tell myself that I know which way I should go.
When I go there though sometimes it doesn’t feel right
So I back it up and look for a different
Way to go. Often it leads to my discontent.
I could go for some really tremendous insight
Because the path for me isn’t easy to know.”

Well, You Don’t Find The Path. It’s important that you
Understand that it’s not about motivation.
It’s about inspiration and feeling your way
Into happiness. If there you manage to stay
Then your world is a magnificent creation.
There’s no searching or efforting you need to do.

Stay in that general place. You love to have fun.
You love freedom and you love sniffing out the trail.
When you highlight within you what matters to you
Then The Path Will Find You. All your dreams will come true
Gradually and in most explicit detail.
Know that your path is always and ever begun.

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